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Lonedell R-XIV


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College, Career, and Workplace Readiness

Students use an Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) as a planning tool to set goals and build their College, Career, and Workplace (CCWR) portfolio of evidence.  ICAPS are created during the student's 8th grade year at Lonedell and will follow our students throughout their high school experiences.  Once in high school, students may engage with Market Value Assets (MVAs), DESE Certification/Credentialing, Qualifying Assessment and/or foundational learning as evidenced in the end of course exams that support their ICAP.  The level of student engagement with this learning is as follows.


Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP)


A "roadmap" to help students develop the awareness, knowledge, attitudes, and skills to create their own meaningful pathways to be success-ready graduates.  It is a multi-year process, beginning no later than the eighth grade year which intentionally guides students and families in the exploration of career, academic, and multiple post-secondary opportunities, ultimately resulting in direct access to the workforce, military, tech school/area career center, vocational training/apprenticeship, 2 year college, and/or 4 year college.

2024 8th Grade Students with an ICAP - 100%


End of Course Exams (EOC)


EOC assessments are standards-based tests that measure specific skills defined for each content area by the state of Missouri.  Students in Missouri, including Missouri Option Program students, have four End-Of-Course assessments that are required prior to high school graduation: Algebra I, Biology, English II and Government.  Optional assessments are available for local accountability in Algebra II, American History, English I, Geometry, Personal Finance, and Physical Science.  For students who complete the Algebra I EOC assessment prior to high school, Algebra II is the required high school mathematics assessment for accountability purposes.  Lonedell R-14 students may take English I and/or Algebra I to show high school readiness.



of students who took Alegbra I scored Advanced in spring 2024



of students who tool Algebra I scored Proficient in spring 2024



of students who took English I scored Advanced in spring 2024



of students who took English I scored Proficient in spring 2024




Real World Learning (RWL)


In high school, students will be able to participate in Market Value Assets (MVAs). MVAs are a cornerstone experience that prepares a student for future learning and employment. MVAs are authentic previews of the world of work or post-secondary education. While the professional and academic worlds are ever-changing, the outgrowths students develop when they work on authentic projects with real employers and mentors are durable enough to benefit them throughout their livs.

As a precursor to MVAs, Lonedell R-14 offers students Real World Learning (RWL) experiences. Some experiences at Lonedell R-14 include FACS, Woods, CPR, Robotics, STEAM, hands-on learning, and project-based learning (PBL).